Friday, September 21, 2018

Thanks Guys... U made us wiser...

People come in life at certain situation and they seem like a shower on hot sunny land. We start liking them, loving them and adoring them. Knowingly or unknowingly they become a vital part of our life. We share, laugh, cry with them and for a moment we feel THIS IS WHAT WE WERE WAITING FOR!!!

But again at certain situation they leave us unanswered and incomplete. We never get exact answer where we went wrong? Why they left us? Was the time spent together was actually real? The feelings, emotions get burnt in the fire and we again stand-alone where we were once upon a time… Yes!! But this time more wise, more experienced, more practical and more calculative.

Why people come in life to create the turmoil and change us so drastically that when we turn back we feel how stupid we were to trust such people. Change is constant and with every passing opportunity we shall change ourselves positively to make ourselves shine, enlightened, knowledgeable and rational.

Yes today we are here because of all the good people we have in our life. But behind the curtains there are faces that played well with our emotions, kept us as an option and led us to what we are here today. This post is dedicated to all of such people who taught us HOW ONE SHALL NOT BE LIKE!!

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