Sunday, October 21, 2018

कुछ नगमे

हमने जब प्यार में उनके, सब हदें पार कर दी
और लगा हमने उनसे आशिकी बेशुमार कर दी
देखा मुड़ के क्यों रोशन है आज हमगुज़र मेरा
जलाके आशियाँ मेरा ही उन्होंने रौशनी थी कर दी।


Shivam Kumar said...

Hello Sharduli mam! I am Shivam Kumar from Varanasi India. I got your blog url by co-incidence on google and i seen all that and i realy enjoyed it. So i want to say that I also write some of quotations and line but not like you as an expert writer. So i just want to show you some of my quotations and line. So can we contact? If we can't, even I will be your Fan......Loved it.


sharduli said...

Thanks a lot Shivam.